

Field Type Required Description Example
httpStatusCode Optional :heavy_minus_sign: N/A 200
result Optional :heavy_minus_sign: The base or virtual document referred to by the URL path. If the path is undefined, this key will be omitted.
metrics Map :heavy_minus_sign: If query metrics are enabled, this field contains query performance metrics collected during the parse, compile, and evaluation steps.
decisionId Optional :heavy_minus_sign: If decision logging is enabled, this field contains a string that uniquely identifies the decision. The identifier will be included in the decision log event for this decision. Callers can use the identifier for correlation purposes.
provenance Optional :heavy_minus_sign: Provenance information can be requested on individual API calls and are returned inline with the API response. To obtain provenance information on an API call, specify the provenance=true query parameter when executing the API call.