OpaApiClient SDK


Enterprise OPA documentation https://docs.styra.com/enterprise-opa

Available Operations


Execute the default decision given an input

Example Usage

package hello.world;

import com.styra.opa.openapi.OpaApiClient;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecuteDefaultPolicyWithInputResponse;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.GzipAcceptEncoding;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Input;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            OpaApiClient sdk = OpaApiClient.builder()

            ExecuteDefaultPolicyWithInputResponse res = sdk.executeDefaultPolicyWithInput()

            if (res.result().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.ClientError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.ServerError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;



Parameter Type Required Description
pretty Optional :heavy_minus_sign: If parameter is true, response will formatted for humans.
acceptEncoding Optional :heavy_minus_sign: Indicates the server should respond with a gzip encoded body. The server will send the compressed response only if its length is above server.encoding.gzip.min_length value. See the configuration section
input Input :heavy_check_mark: The input document




Error Object Status Code Content Type
models/errors/ClientError 400,404 application/json
models/errors/ServerError 500 application/json
models/errors/SDKError 4xx-5xx *\/*


Execute a policy

Example Usage

package hello.world;

import com.styra.opa.openapi.OpaApiClient;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecutePolicyRequest;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecutePolicyResponse;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            OpaApiClient sdk = OpaApiClient.builder()

            ExecutePolicyRequest req = ExecutePolicyRequest.builder()

            ExecutePolicyResponse res = sdk.executePolicy()

            if (res.successfulPolicyResponse().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.ClientError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.ServerError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;



Parameter Type Required Description
request ExecutePolicyRequest :heavy_check_mark: The request object to use for the request.




Error Object Status Code Content Type
models/errors/ClientError 400 application/json
models/errors/ServerError 500 application/json
models/errors/SDKError 4xx-5xx *\/*


Execute a policy given an input

Example Usage

package hello.world;

import com.styra.opa.openapi.OpaApiClient;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecutePolicyWithInputRequest;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecutePolicyWithInputRequestBody;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecutePolicyWithInputResponse;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Input;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            OpaApiClient sdk = OpaApiClient.builder()

            ExecutePolicyWithInputRequest req = ExecutePolicyWithInputRequest.builder()

            ExecutePolicyWithInputResponse res = sdk.executePolicyWithInput()

            if (res.successfulPolicyResponse().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.ClientError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.ServerError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;



Parameter Type Required Description
request ExecutePolicyWithInputRequest :heavy_check_mark: The request object to use for the request.




Error Object Status Code Content Type
models/errors/ClientError 400 application/json
models/errors/ServerError 500 application/json
models/errors/SDKError 4xx-5xx *\/*


Execute a policy given a batch of inputs

Example Usage

package hello.world;

import com.styra.opa.openapi.OpaApiClient;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequest;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequestBody;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputResponse;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Input;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;
import java.util.Map;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            OpaApiClient sdk = OpaApiClient.builder()

            ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequest req = ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequest.builder()
                                Map.entry("key", Input.of("<value>"))))

            ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputResponse res = sdk.executeBatchPolicyWithInput()

            if (res.batchSuccessfulPolicyEvaluation().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.ClientError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.BatchServerError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;



Parameter Type Required Description
request ExecuteBatchPolicyWithInputRequest :heavy_check_mark: The request object to use for the request.




Error Object Status Code Content Type
models/errors/ClientError 400 application/json
models/errors/BatchServerError 500 application/json
models/errors/SDKError 4xx-5xx *\/*


The health API endpoint executes a simple built-in policy query to verify that the server is operational. Optionally it can account for bundle activation as well (useful for “ready” checks at startup).

Example Usage

package hello.world;

import com.styra.opa.openapi.OpaApiClient;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.SDKError;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.operations.HealthResponse;
import com.styra.opa.openapi.models.shared.Security;
import java.lang.Exception;
import java.util.List;

public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try {
            OpaApiClient sdk = OpaApiClient.builder()

            HealthResponse res = sdk.health()

            if (res.healthyServer().isPresent()) {
                // handle response
        } catch (com.styra.opa.openapi.models.errors.UnhealthyServer e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (SDKError e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // handle exception
            throw e;



Parameter Type Required Description
bundles Optional :heavy_minus_sign: Boolean parameter to account for bundle activation status in response. This includes any discovery bundles or bundles defined in the loaded discovery configuration.
plugins Optional :heavy_minus_sign: Boolean parameter to account for plugin status in response.
excludePlugin List<String> :heavy_minus_sign: String parameter to exclude a plugin from status checks. Can be added multiple times. Does nothing if plugins is not true. This parameter is useful for special use cases where a plugin depends on the server being fully initialized before it can fully initialize itself.




Error Object Status Code Content Type
models/errors/UnhealthyServer 500 application/json
models/errors/SDKError 4xx-5xx *\/*