interface AuthzProviderProps {
    batch?: boolean;
    children?: ReactNode;
    defaultFromResult?: ((_?: Result) => boolean);
    defaultInput?: {
        [k: string]: any;
    defaultPath?: string;
    opaClient: OPAClient;
    retry?: number | boolean;



batch?: boolean

Batch policy evaluation queries when possible, and supported by the backend. Defaults to false.

children?: ReactNode
defaultFromResult?: ((_?: Result) => boolean)

The default function to apply to the policy evaluation result to get a boolean decision. It can be overridden from Authz and useAuthz. If unset, any non-undefined, non-false (i.e. "truthy") result will be taken to mean "authorized".

defaultInput?: {
    [k: string]: any;

Default input for every decision, merged with any passed-in input. Use the latter to override the defaults.

defaultPath?: string

Default path for every decision. Override by providingpath.

opaClient: OPAClient

The @styra/opa OPAClient instance to use.

retry?: number | boolean

Whether or not policy evaluations should retry on transient failures. false means never; true means infinite retry; any number N means N retries. Defaults to 3.