SDKOptions: {
    bearerAuth?: string | (() => Promise<string>);
    debugLogger?: Logger;
    httpClient?: HTTPClient;
    retryConfig?: RetryConfig;
    serverIdx?: number;
    serverURL?: string;
    timeoutMs?: number;

Type declaration

  • OptionalbearerAuth?: string | (() => Promise<string>)
  • OptionaldebugLogger?: Logger
  • OptionalhttpClient?: HTTPClient
  • OptionalretryConfig?: RetryConfig

    Allows overriding the default retry config used by the SDK

  • OptionalserverIdx?: number

    Allows overriding the default server used by the SDK

  • OptionalserverURL?: string

    Allows overriding the default server URL used by the SDK

  • OptionaltimeoutMs?: number