CompileQueryWithPartialEvaluationRequest: {
    acceptEncoding?: GzipAcceptEncoding;
    contentEncoding?: GzipContentEncoding;
    explain?: Explain;
    instrument?: boolean;
    metrics?: boolean;
    pretty?: boolean;
    requestBody: CompileQueryWithPartialEvaluationRequestBody;

Type declaration

  • OptionalacceptEncoding?: GzipAcceptEncoding

    Indicates the server should respond with a gzip encoded body. The server will send the compressed response only if its length is above server.encoding.gzip.min_length value. See the configuration section

  • OptionalcontentEncoding?: GzipContentEncoding

    Indicates that the request body is gzip encoded

  • Optionalexplain?: Explain

    Return query explanation in addition to result.

  • Optionalinstrument?: boolean

    Instrument query evaluation and return a superset of performance metrics in addition to result.

  • Optionalmetrics?: boolean

    Return query performance metrics in addition to result.

  • Optionalpretty?: boolean

    If parameter is true, response will formatted for humans.

  • requestBody: CompileQueryWithPartialEvaluationRequestBody

    The query, input, and other settings for partial evaluation.